Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yesterday I wore the spiked codpiece....OF DOOM!

And then I had a scary-ass dream.  A nightmare.  A night TERROR.  Thankfully, it was clown free.  Still, it was disturbing and unhappy and I was tricked into it! I was having a good dream, then I woke up and thought "I want to get back into that!" and forced myself gently down into dreamland.  What was there? My nice dream? NO! It was this freaking nightmare. 

I don't even know if I want to describe it.  It's rather involved and I don't want to give my brain any suggestions.  I don't want this to turn into a recurring nightmare.  Hell, I don't even know if anyone is reading this or would care for the details.  If you are and you do, post a comment and I'll think about it XP

One good nightmares always tend to yield juicy ideas for stories.  This one was no different. 

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